1500 Thanksgiving Meals

Absolutely Free

Help Make it happen

We are on a mission to make sure that anyone

who wants to cook a thanksgiving meal for their family can!

It’s no secret that groceries continue to rise in cost. Sometimes putting together a thanksgiving meal can be a challenge. We believe that everyone deserves good food and we want to see that happen for families this thanksgiving.

That’s why each year we partner with other local churches, businesses, and YOU to give away completely free no strings attached thanksgiving meals. There are no qualifications needed to get a meal, no one needs to demonstrate a level of need. We believe that anyone who wants a free thanksgiving meal should be able have one.

Jesus fed people and demonstrated love and compassion for people, without distinction. We believe Jesus loves our communities and we hope this small act communicates His unconditional love.


On November 23rd across 10 sites

full ready to cook thanksgiving meals will be handed out.

Each person will receive all that they need in order to cook a full thanksgiving meal. Each meal bag will contain…

  • Boxed Stuffing

  • Gravy

  • Instant Mashed Potatoes

  • Green Beans

  • Corn

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Rolls

  • A Pie

  • A Turkey

  • A foil pan and instructions for cooking.

But none of this will happen without YOU

1,500 thanksgiving meals is a lot of turkey and pie.

We cannot acquire, pack, and distribute that many meals without you.

3 ways you can feed 1,500 families this Thanksgiving…


By donating financially you will be covering the cost of a meal for a family this thanksgiving. We have already ordered the food in an act of faith, trusting God and your generosity. Your donation will put a thanksgiving meal on a families table this year.


Handing out 1,500 meals is no small task. The day of Saturday November 23rd will require a lot of hands to get the meals into the hands of our neighbors. Your physical presence and help will make sure that the meals get into the right hands.


All the food needs to packed and organized. We want to make sure each bag is packed correctly and each family gets a full Thanksgiving meal. Join us on Sunday November 17th for a brief Sunday service and a packing party.

$12.50 = One bag of thanksgiving sides

Join us for one

Service at 10 AM


  • Nope. The giveaway is completely free, with no strings attached. No requirements or hoops to jump through. Show up and pick up a thanksgiving meal for you and your family.

  • We are no longer collecting donated food. We are asking people to donate the cost of the food.

  • Each year we have done this giveaway we have been blessed to see it grow. With that growth comes added complexity. In addition food has continued to go up in price. By pre-purchasing the food for the giveaway in bulk we are able together handle logistics and purchase the food at a price better than you can at your local store. We have chosen rather to act in faith that your financial generosity will provide the funds needed for the food.

Make a donation.

Help put a meal on a family table.