Our Vision


VISION is a picture of a preferred future. We believe that our vision is actually God’s vision, and if heaven suddenly came crashing to earth it would look a lot like this…

Wholeness and redemption washing over our homes, churches, and cities

Our Mission

Mission is why we exist—it’s the purpose and catalyst of our lives.

LIVE like Jesus. LOVE like Jesus. SERVE like Jesus.

In case it wasn’t obvious, it’s all about Jesus

Our Core Values


Core values are the standards and “givens” that saturate everything we do and are about.

Our Unchanging, Uncompromising, Core Values:

Jesus is at the center of all that we do.

The good news of Jesus has the power to change EVERYTHING in our lives.


The best place to experience life-change is in a community of people living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Raising up disciples who follow Jesus is the primary task of the church.

We want people to LIVE like Jesus, LOVE like Jesus, and SERVE like Jesus.


God has a mission to redeem the world and has commissioned the church to be on the front lines. We will always “go and do” not “sit and wait.”