“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love.”

~ Augustine

What We Believe

“What We Believe” statements can sometimes be used to create walls between “us” and “them.” While we understand the critical importance of foundational and Biblical belief, we also assert that Christians have often held to the understanding that some beliefs are primary, some are secondary, and some are altogether unimportant. Love is the highest, greatest and most profound theological belief that any person(s) can hold.


About God

We believe in one eternal God, whom is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

About the Bible

We believe that the Bible is the revealed word of God. It is accurate, applicable to our everyday lives, and the ultimate source of authority for faith and life.

About Humanity

People are made in the image of God.  Both in nature and in free choice, we are marred by sin. Sin creates a vast expanse between us and God that we are unable to fix on our own. Sin brings only death and destruction into our lives.

About Jesus

We believe that God was incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again in victory over sin and death.

About Salvation

We believe that in order to receive forgiveness of sin and salvation, we must repent, believe by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.  The work of Jesus on the cross, and the subsequent resurrection from the grave, paves the way for the expanse of sin to be closed and for us to be reconciled to God by faith.

About the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, helper, teacher, and guide, powerfully indwells every follower of Jesus at the moment of salvation, and through maturity and surrender, endows every believer with the spiritual gifts for ministry and the building up of the church.

About the Church

We believe that the church is of God and established by God. The church is the gathering or assembly of those united by faith in Jesus Christ. Common elements of “church” are worship, teaching, fellowship, service, prayer, and sacraments. 

About Mission

We believe that God’s desire is to mobilize all those who believe in Jesus Christ to be “on mission” to those who do not yet know Jesus. We are not saved merely to be kept safe; we are saved so that we may work to save more.

About Discipleship

We believe that everyone who follows Jesus is a “disciple.” Some disciples have been on the Jesus-path for years, and some for days. The point is to be on the path. We believe that discipleship is a lifelong process of becoming more and more like Jesus as we live like him, love like him, and serve like him.