Pastor Cameron introduces to the church the direction the church will be going in 2025: To pursue God more. Join us this year as we go deeper in our relationship with God, through scripture, prayer, and sabbath.

Pastor Cameron continues the lesson on pursuing God, and reveals what scripture says about the nature of the heart. We're given 13 different examples in scripture about the heart being central to how we live our lives. Matthew 5:8 tells us that the pure in heart will see the Lord, and Psalm 51:10 says "create in me a pure heart". Let us pray for that very thing, as we continue to seek the Lord together.

As we continue to seek the Lord's face in this season, Pastor Cameron shares the convicting message about idols we have over God. "Idols almost always start as good things, given by the Lord, but misused as humanity."

Pastor Cameron continues in our pursuit of God, by highlighting the importance of speaking truth, reminding us that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. "To be able to speak the truth from our heart, we must have the truth in our heart." Then we're reminded of what James tells us in the book of James, chapter 3, that salt water and fresh water cannot come from the same spring, neither can praise come from the same mouth that slanders.

Pastor Luke revisits Psalm 24, posing a question central to the text: who may stand in God’s holy place? The psalmist answers that only those with clean hands and pure hearts can dwell with the Lord. This invokes a discussion on the meaning of cleanliness and purity, not just physically but spiritually, suggesting that one’s actions (represented by clean hands) must align with the purity of one's heart.




Advent - Waiting For God