
Palm Sunday

In this sermon, Pastor Luke shares the Palm Sunday story from the book of Matthew. Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey, fulfilling a prophecy, and is welcomed with palms and shouts of "Hosanna." However, the story takes a surprising turn as Jesus disrupts the temple, driving out money changers and merchants, highlighting the importance of the temple as a house of prayer. This action provokes the chief priests and teachers of the law, who challenge Jesus. Luke reflects on how Jesus' actions challenge expectations and asks listeners to consider their own expectations and desires. He encourages that we reflect on what God wants to do within individuals, what actions they should take or avoid, and how these actions can bring glory to God.

Easter Sunday

Pastor Cameron preaches on the the miracle of Easter. Good Friday is a necessary precursor to the joy of Easter Sunday, highlighting how Jesus did not expect mournful postures or gratitude for His sacrifice, but rather calls us to belief. He reflects the reactions of the disciples to the news of Jesus' resurrection, initially met with disbelief until they witnessed the empty tomb themselves. The sermon concludes with a message of hope and encouragement, reminding us of the profound impact of Jesus' resurrection and the importance of embracing faith in this central truth of the Christian faith.


Stand Alone Messages

