Fasting: What it is and How to Do it.

As we approach Good Friday this week, we encourage you to pause and mark the day with the spiritual practice of fasting.

Fasting is one of the oldest spiritual disciplines but can often be one of the most neglected disciplines in modern times. The question we often ask is, “what is the point of fasting?” The heart of fasting can be summarized like this: “As much as I hunger for and need food, I hunger for and depend on God more.” Fasting is supposed to point us upward towards the God, the true source that sustains us. 

 Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. – John 6:35 NIV

Fasting is tied to the mourning and longing of our hearts for something greater and beyond this world. When we repent of sin, fasting fills us with humility and points us toward a savior. When we mourn, fasting points us to the longing of what should be beyond the brokenness of our current world. 

Good Friday is when we pause to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. The sins that made His sacrifice necessary. Fasting on Good Friday orients our hearts in a posture of repentance. It reminds us, that greater than our need for food, is our need for a savior. 

As much as I hunger for and need food, I hunger for and depend on God more.

We want to invite you to consider how you might fast this Good Friday to orient your heart towards your greater need. Abstaining from certain food or entire meals is the traditional mode of fasting, but we recognize that this may not be a wise or healthy choice for all people. Fasting can be done through other means not involving food and we encourage people to make the wise and healthy choice for themselves on how to best practice this discipline. What follows is how to plan a fast for yourself. 

Determine what you will fast from…

  • A meal(s)

  • Certain types of food (meat, sugar, beverages other than water, etc.)

  • Media (social media, all electronics, cell phone, music) 

  • Speaking 

  • Sleeping in

Determine For How Long…

  • If you are fasting from food altogether, we recommend not fasting for more than one or two meals your first time. Ensure to drink lots of water and to be mindful of your physical exertion throughout the day. A good place to start would be to skip a lunch. 

  • Consider fasting from something starting sundown Good Friday until after Easter service Sunday. 

  • The whole day of Good Friday. 

  • Between certain hours each day.

Determine How You Will Redirect Your Focus…

  • If you are skipping a meal, take some of that meal time to pray. 

  • Anytime you notice your desire for what you are fasting from say a short prayer. 

  • Attend our Good Friday service. 

Break The Fast

Then finally break the fast and celebrate the work of the Jesus Christ that has delivered us from sin and brokenness!

It can be tempting when breaking a fast to jump back into what we were fasting from with full force. We might eat a big heavy meal after not eating for a bit. We might sit down and binge on our social media, trying to catch up. We recommend that you avoid this temptation and enter back in with moderation. Breaking a fast with binging is not kind on our bodies and minds.

A Prayer For Fasting

This short prayer can act as a quick reminder of the heart and intention of fasting. Say this as often as you need to point yourself towards Jesus during the time of your fast. 

Dear Lord, 

As great is my desire (or hunger) for _____________ my desire (or hunger) for your work in my life is greater. Amen. 

Pastor Luke

Hi! I’m Luke and I am the associate pastor here at Conduit Ministries. My focus is on helping people to take their next step in their spiritual journey. I am also an avid fan of comics, movies, and all things sci-fi.


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